Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm Back from Brazil

I want to tell you up front, I / we did not starve. This is breakfast. My favorite meal. Look at all that fresh fruit. We ate 3 times a day. The sun rose at 6am (7am-breakfast) & it set at 6pm (6pm-dinner) and lunch was midday. But it's what we got to do in between the feasting that's really amazing.

FYI - I'm going through fresh fruit withdrawls. Because now I have to prepare it myself, I'm not eating it.

This is from the first village we visited after picking up several people in Parantins (pronounced: Pair - un - cheens). They held their 4th Anniversary Church celebration until we got there. The church I went with on this trip, BTBF Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, has adopted this river - Manuru & travels to the villages each trip. They helpped start this church. So we attended their celebration. Pastor Levi (la-VEE) in the left green shirt spoke & several people sang. Food prep & serving on a large scale.

Soccer, volleyball & waterballoons were played by all. With the last of the waterballoons, a target was pointed out. He was hit good.

1 comment:

Val said...

Hey! I'm so behind on reading (and everything else). Loved this post and can't wait to see more pictures. Can we have lunch soon??

And, I'm with you on the fruit. How sad is it when I resort to buying pre sliced fruit in bags at a bazillion dollars?